Monday, October 14, 2013

Road trip to Texas!

It's been like four months since my last update. Let's see. I moved to Texas. Chris, Molly and I went on the road and drove from California to Texas. It was fun, horrible and very tiring. Luckily I have the best puppy and husband ever! Puppy slept almost all the way to Texas! Chris and I got to listen to an audiobook on the way here. Other than settling in not much has happened. I got a job and im currently looking for another one. I will update the blog in more detail at a later day. For now here are some of the pictures from the road trip.


"Aww she was so excited thinking we where going to the dog park!"

Woke up early and started our trip.

Yeah... that Mojave desert.

This is the best thing ever while on the road! Look it up girls!

Me and Molly where super dehydrated at this point. She and I had a lot of  Electrolytes.

Bored, bored bored!

Grand Canyon! we drove right by it...

AC heaven

At a hotel in New Mexico

Route 66! it was quite disappointing, I did not see "radiator springs" anywhere.

"So.. we aren't going to the park?"

Amarillo Texas! I really wanted to do the challenge but Chris didn't let me.

Leaving New Mexico

Hello... Texas.. We meet again.

"I hate you two"

So, in Amarillo we stopped at a DQ... there is no bacon in their burgers! I thought this was TEXAS!!

Look guys there is still one open!

I will be updating more often hopefully. I have been waiting for better weather and it's finally here! it's been too hot to do anything other than go from the AC in the house to the AC in the car. Its really nice right now though. I will be venturing out more often.


What I've learned:

"Go girl" is a girls best friend while on the road! no touching nasty rest stop bathrooms! Although some are really nice and well kept, but for those that aren't or the portable potties!... this thing is amazing.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Where is home?

Hello everyone! It's been 3 months since I had a new post. There are a lot of things happening. First and foremost, I got a puppy! Her name is "Molecule" but we call her "Molly" She is a "Great Pyrenees" and a quarter "Border Collie". She is the sweetest puppy ever! (but she is teething). I love her so much it's crazy. After my "Atom" passed away I didn't think I would get another puppy this soon. She has brought a lot of happiness to me and Chris (husband).

On other news, I am moving to "Texas". It' not something I want, but it's necessary. We can no longer save money here. California is really expensive. I hope it works out. It's really hard for me to leave my family behind. I want them to come with us. However my sisters are 19 and 18, my mom has a job she likes and they love where they live. I grew up here and it breaks my heart to leave. I am just telling myself "if you survived in mexico you can survive there too". I'm looking at it as another adventure so.. Bring it on!

I also quit my job. They where cutting hours and mine where not even worth the drive there. It was fun working there and a shame I had to leave. Everyone was really nice and fun. Oh well... moving on now.


What I've learned:

....Get an older dog. Teething puppies are not fun!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Gardening fun!

Hearts! These are grandpa Otts (morning glory's)

Hello everyone! I just wanted to update everyone. I'm alive and well. So, moving on! I have been really into gardening for the last couple of months and I found a really cute project that me and my niece did together. She loves to participate and I thought I would write my own tutorial for all my friends to try out on their own or with their kids.

Water bottle Bio-dome! 

STEP 1: Get water bottle!

STEP 2: Cut the label.

STEP 3: Cut the bottle in half.

STEP 4: Get your dirt! 

STEP 5: Fill it up about an inch to two inches.

STEP 6: Get your seed or cutting.

STEP 7: Make a hole with a chopstick or some other stick you can find. (Yeah, that's the end of my make-up brush.)

STEP 8: Insert your cutting or seed. If its a seed read on the instructions how deep it needs to be. Some seeds only need to sit on top. Cover your cutting with the dirt to where it's standing up.

STEP 9: Get your top half and put it on top of your bottom half.

STEP 10: Take the bottle cap off (lol)

STEP 11: Spritz it with water. About a table spoon per inch. 

STEP 12: Put the cap back on! You are done! Put your new Bio-dome on a window that gets some sun during the day. If for some reason it looks dry (if you don't see any water droplets) just open the cap and spray it again. Once your seedling gets bigger you can then move it to a different pot.

STEP 13: Don't forget to label it!! 

Yep, That's Chocolate Mint.

I would love to see pictures if anyone tries this.


What I've learned: 

Things will just come to you sometimes. I woke up one day and decided to go to get gardening supplies. Don't know why, don't know how. I love it though!