Hello everyone! It's been 3 months since I had a new post. There are a lot of things happening. First and foremost, I got a puppy! Her name is "Molecule" but we call her "Molly" She is a "Great Pyrenees" and a quarter "Border Collie". She is the sweetest puppy ever! (but she is teething). I love her so much it's crazy. After my "Atom" passed away I didn't think I would get another puppy this soon. She has brought a lot of happiness to me and Chris (husband).
On other news, I am moving to "Texas". It' not something I want, but it's necessary. We can no longer save money here. California is really expensive. I hope it works out. It's really hard for me to leave my family behind. I want them to come with us. However my sisters are 19 and 18, my mom has a job she likes and they love where they live. I grew up here and it breaks my heart to leave. I am just telling myself "if you survived in mexico you can survive there too". I'm looking at it as another adventure so.. Bring it on!
I also quit my job. They where cutting hours and mine where not even worth the drive there. It was fun working there and a shame I had to leave. Everyone was really nice and fun. Oh well... moving on now.
What I've learned:
....Get an older dog. Teething puppies are not fun!