Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wasting time...

I can't believe how fast time is going by. I guess that's a good thing for us that where referred. It's been bittersweet. I am glad for the experience but at the same time I can't wait to go home. Mexico has a lot of good things about it. Healthcare is one that I have been pretty impressed by. For $30 pesos you can see a doctor and medication is pretty cheap. If you want to see a specialist that's about $300 pesos, which is less than a co-pay in the US. It's pretty neat.

My birthday is coming up. I can't wait to see my husband again. I get to have him for a whole week! I already have some stuff that I want to do planned. I want to take our puppy to the beach and see how he likes it, I want to try some lobster here in Puerto Nuevo, I want to be lazy with and watch some movies. It's amazing how much you miss the little things. I miss laying down next to him, I miss having dinner with him, I even miss cleaning up after him. This experience has really brought us together. Being apart really makes you realize how important and how much you love that person. 

This immigration process really drains you. The waiting sucks. I am hoping to hear something by the end of July, October the latest. That would be an awesome anniversary present.

On other news: Atom can now climb the sofa! but now I have to clean the (white) sofa. I can't believe how much I love my little puppy. I am glad he is here with me. If you are stuck in Mexico I recommend getting a pet -I also recommend Prozac!.


What I have Learned
...Never put your nails in your mouth after using nail polish.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


I know a lot of people from the immigration forums are looking for a place in Mexico where they can move and feel safe. Rosarito is a good choice. It's quiet, safe (if you use common sense), and close enough to the border where you can find a lot of US products (I almost cried when I saw my brand of butter). Rosarito has a lot of residential areas as well as private condos and apartments, but the main street is "Benito Juarez".

These apartments are "La jolla de el mar" they run for about 1k + a month. The are really nice condos next to the beach. the area in front of them are new stores that are opening up.

If you keep going down the street you will find more shopping centers and stores...

I haven't really experienced the "Night life" in Rosarito but I heard that "Papas and Beer" is a good restaurant/club to go to. Personally I'm not into that but I have heard about it from a couple of people already. I guess its were the cool kids go. I am a pretty boring person and would rather stay in watching a movie or a show on my laptop.

Atom and Meeko

My search for a job is still going, but at least I have my puppy to keep me company now. Atom has really brought a little happiness (and bites) to my daily routine. Overall he seems to be a pretty good puppy, despite the teething....


What I have learned:

...puppies have extremely sharp teeth...