Yes. This was my room. |
I haven't posted in a while. After watching an episode of "Hoarders" I thought I would share my experience with it. Yes, I have OCD tendencies. I didn't even know I had OCD until someone pointed it out. That was after they watched me wash my hands and face for the billionth time.
OCD is like being stuck in a loop. You have to keep doing things until they are just right. It's horrible. I have been able to control it without any help. However, there was a time in my life when it was pretty bad.
I used to shower and wash myself with bleach to disinfect myself -why take a shower at all if you aren't doing it well?-. I used to hold onto EVERYTHING until I had to start sleeping in the closet because I had so much crap. I used to obsess about organizing and cleaning all of my stuff that it never got done.
I don't know what happened. Maybe it was the realization that I could never be the perfect person that I pictured. Something just clicked. I stopped with my obsessive washing -I only wash my hands about 30 times a day now!-, I stopped showering with bleach -it hurt-, I throw useless things away and only keep minimal things.
I got a great tip recently it's helping me cope with throwing even meaningful things away: Take a picture of it. Once I heard that... a lightbulb turned on. I am a bit of a shutterbug -probably due to the ocd- so having pictures is actually perfect for me -thank you! G!-. This week I have been packing and taking pictures of things and throwing stuff away.
I'm really proud of myself... I have come a long way. Very few people know about this problem. I think only my family has actually witnessed it. If you know someone who has this problem. Please, know that it's a horrible demon, it makes people with it very lonely. I am very lucky to have come out the other end. Some never do.
This isn't the worst it got. |
What I've learned:
...Not all memories are worth keeping.
I used to sleep on a chair I had in my room because there was so much crap burying my bed and floor- and it was a HUGE room! I've had to work at it too- and it is still a problem, but as they say," the first step is realizing it". I've seen how you live now and I can tell you've come a long way. Keep it up- I'll need help cleaning out my closet! :P
Thank you ^_^ , I would love to help.
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