Thursday, July 7, 2011

New plan, new place.

We have been busy! With the move and settling into a new place. As well as celebrating birthdays and independence day. Our main travel plan has changed as well. Here is the new plan: Postpone our trip to Mexico until work slows down. It makes sense, specially when its time for taxes. I also get to work on getting more paperwork together before the interview. The only thing that sucks is that now we might be over there for the holiday season. I don't really like that idea. Being surrounded by yummy food...

We are also looking to buy a new car. So, if you know of anyone selling an SUV (honda, passport or equivalent) Please let me know. We are going to need a bigger car to be able to take more of our stuff.

Well... enough of the boring stuff. I hope everyone had a nice Independence day! We got to see a lot of illegal fireworks from our neighbors it was pretty cool. We also got some of our own -legal- which where pretty and scared my niece lol

She ran into the car and kept asking us to "clean up" because we where "all done!" lol. I gave her some poppers and she was happy again. She liked stepping on them.

For my birthday, I went out to Red Robin for lunch. Then to my mom's for birthday cake. It was nice. My mom kept up with tradition of misspelling names on cakes.I also got a piece of my favorite cake -carrot cake-. I had a good time.


woo... this post was all over the place.. lol


What I've learned:
...Don't try and move Ikea furniture. Actually, Don't buy Ikea furniture.

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