Monday, October 31, 2011

Roadtrip! Episode II


Now lets see... where did I left off? oh yeah, Bonsais! it's funny, Mexico has a lot of sushi restaurants. Well, more than what I would have expected. Nice ones too. Well let me backtrack.

Saturday night we left San Diego, Drove through Arizona and made it to New Mexico. The ride was pretty and we got to see some interesting things on the way. One of those things was the Border fence. It reminded me of a big black snake. Right across from it though there was some guys riding the sand dunes!

Arizona/Mexican fence

Sand dunes!

Arizona was a nice drive, very scenic.

Beautiful sunsets in Arizona

We stayed the night at a Days inn in New Mexico. In the morning we headed to Texas. Texas by the way was a boring drive.

Entrance to the Days Inn

Bye bye! New Mexico


After getting to El Paso we went to a walmart to get the oil in the car changed. Stopped at a Starbucks to use the internet and get directions to the hotel in Mexico. Well Ladies and Gentleman.. That's the LAST time I will ever use Google maps for a different country. 

Hello Mexico!

Oh shit... it really is mexico!!

Right when we entered there was a tank with a turret on top of it, and soldiers with very big guns. They where telling us to just move along. They didn't check the car or anything. Five minutes into Mexico and tada! we are LOST! The streets where different, the people where driving all over the place, and google maps failed me for the first time.

After asking directions from drivers next to us and getting more lost into the "paths less traveled" by tourist I started getting really scared, finally we stopped at a convenience store and asked for directions again. A couple of guys where there buying beer and I got the guts to asked them if they could drive us there. They agreed and thank god! they drove right up to the hotel. We would have never found it so we gave them 500 pesos for their help.

Yey! Highly secured hotel with guards!

So, we got to the hotel and we are about to check in when.... We locked the keys in the car. Well at least we where at the hotel. They ended up calling the maintenance guy (everyone was really polite) he opened it with a coat hanger. It was quite a day let me tell you... Oh by the way... it was also our 2 year anniversary!

After hearing all the horror stories about Juarez all I wanted to do was just lock myself in the hotel room. However, my husband had other plans... He wanted to explore the area! (oh god...)  This area is a nice secured area so I agreed (didn't have much of a choice). We went to a shopping center near by and checked out their Office depot and a grocery store. After a while we got hungry so we ended up at a little restaurant.


His was flour

We got the food and I fixed it up, added onions, cilantro and what not. While I was doing this I looked up and noticed Chris' face. I wasn't sure what was going on... I hadn't tried my food yet so I was worried that it tasted bad. He then proceeded to tell me that it was the best meat he ever tasted, after a "that's what she said" joke, I took a bite out of mine... The meat tasted fresh, juicy, flavorful...  I can't describe it. It's as if my taste buds had awoken and started singing "hallelujah" (this was a "fast food" place btw) and the tortilla! my god... I didn't know tortillas had a taste...

This morning I woke up early since it was my fingerprint appointment today. Got ready and took the Hotels shuttle to the place. They dropped us off right in front and it was a nice area with lots of people, pretty safe. Afterwards we wondered around for a little bit. I heard there was a mall near by so we decided to take a look... It makes newpark mall look like something that should be in Mexico. Take a look!

It was a really nice and well kept mall. The public phones look really neat too!

After a while we got hungry so we ended up at the food court. There was a wendys in there as well as the usual stuff, hot dogs, pizza, burgers... Then I saw this...

I had to try it.. I just had to. So I ordered a "Torta" figuring that the food from the day before was just a delicious fluke.

It. Was. Not. I can't describe it... so I'm not going to try. 

Oddly enough the only thing I didn't like about everything that I have eaten here was the potato chips they served with it. They tasted too potatoey...

The Mall also has an IMAX theater.

Maybe we will go watch a movie later for now we are back at the hotel hanging out. Tomorrow I have to go do my medical. Kinda sad that I am missing Halloween with my niece but.. hopefully I'll be there next year.


What I've Learned:
...unless you want to print out "street view" for your entire destination, Don't use google maps outside the U.S.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Roadtrip! Part I

Casa De Fruta

Hello! Welcome to part one of my "Roadtrip" updates. After leaving my moms [Newark, California], (which was extremely hard to have to say goodbye) we headed to Dos Palos. On our way we stopped by a friends house to say goodbye then we stopped at Casa De Fruta! we got some wine and some BBQ sauce (presents for friends).

Dos Palos, California

We stayed the night in Dos Palos Tuesday night. I always like staying here. You can actually see the stars and depending on the time of year the cotton fields look like snow on the ground. Wednesday we took off to San Diego.

Along the way on one of our Gas stops we saw a guy selling bonsai trees! it was quite a treat since I love bonsai trees. Some trees had fruits growing on them.


Once we got into San Diego we stayed at a Super 8. The next day we met with our friend Pine. Friday we went to the beach, watched some movies at home and went to the dog park. They have a really nice puppy named Sadie. Ever since I got bitten by a dog I get kind of antsy around dogs but I'm getting better with that.

Mission Beach, San Diego California

Tomorrow we head out around noon and drive through Arizona, New Mexico and hopefully we make it into Texas.

I will be updating in a couple of days. We should be crossing the border into Juarez, Mexico on Sunday!


What I've Learned:
...You never know when you will run into someone selling Bonsai trees.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Can't stop time...

Way better than going to a beach!

I remember when I came to the US. I was 8 years old. Our first stop was a McDonalds. From there we stayed in Arizona for about a week then drove all the way to Colorado, where my sister was born on Christmas day 1993 -another sister followed in '94-. I spent that Christmas alone with a mean lady babysitting me. All I remember thinking was "When will I see my family again?". It's been 18 years.

While in the US, I lost my grandparents on both sides. Uncles have passed away. My dad. Going back to Mexico is not going to be as I remember. Not because of the way the cities have change -which they have a lot apparently- my grandparents are no longer there. My family has changed a lot. People where born, people grew up. The family I knew is gone.

The US is the country that I grew up knowing. I spent years perfecting my English -There is always something new to learn about the English language too- While my grammar isn't perfect, I think I do better than some native speakers. I will miss the US. I fell in love here, got married here! Found and Lost friends... It's been a fun ride.

So, I bid a warm farewell to everyone. To the people I went through elementary, Jr. high, and high school (all 3 that i attended), also, the ones from Ohlone. To the friends I made over the years and the ones I didn't keep in touch with. Goodbye... I'm off to start a new adventure.

Which I will be posting tons of pictures of! Driving and staying in one of the most dangerous cities on earth (ciudad juarez, mexico) is bound to be an interesting adventure. I think I'll buy my husband a Canadian hat or something.. you know.. just in case lol

This isn't paradise when you have to live and work there.


What I've Learned:
..I'm glad I got to live here, the San Fransisco zoo was awesome!