Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Here I go again on my own....

It's been a couple of months (again) since my last update. It has been interesting and full of twist and turns. I think I will have to do couple of posts to tell my journey -as it is not over yet.

Oh February 10th I found out that my (immigration) case was "Referred". What this means is that I am now stuck in mexico for up to 12 months before hearing from them again. They told me I needed more evidence and to send it within 84 days.

I was horrified and in shock. I quickly fell into depression and without my husband with me I felt lost and confused. After a couple of weeks we got started on our new plan and started thinking about what other evidence we could send.

We got lucky when Chris (my husband) got offered an internship with Cisco. That meant we could add more evidence as to why he can't move to Mexico to be with me. I am very proud of him and I hope this helps us get me home.

My depression was getting worse and I felt terrible. On march 9th Chris came to visit. We used some of the money we had from this years taxes and got a good deal online. I miss him very much and seeing him again after two months was an amazing relieve.

We got a hotel in Puerto Vallarta and spent the weekend there. Some notable moments where when we went out to eat at this small restaurant. They had the best shrimp ever. It was: big shrimp, stuffed with cheese, wrapped in bacon on a lobster sauce. They also had really good BBQ ribs, they fell off the bone and melted in your mouth.

It was sad saying goodbye again. Exactly two months after we said goodbye in Juarez, I had to say goodbye again. I miss him everyday and I still can't believe we are going through this.

Going back to my aunts without my husband was hard. I quickly became depressed again. After talking to a couple of friends that I met on the Immigration forum I decided it would be a good idea to visit them. Gleynda lives in Mexico City and Mayra lives in Michoacan.

....stay tuned for my next update on how that went!


What I've learned:
... Life throws you the weirdest curveballs, some are bound to hit you in the nuts.

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