Monday, May 28, 2012

the "Atom" bomb-shell


I had a friend stay over for about a week. She has an adorable puppy named Meeko. I have been in love with Meeko since I met him back in Michoacan, he is a sweet Yorkie. Ever since I met Meeko I have wanted a pet of my own. Of course I usually go straight to cats cause I'm such a cat person. However, Most cats here are in poor condition and its hard to get good quality liter here that doesn't cost a fortune.

On one of our outings with Meeko, we noticed a cute little pup crying in front of my neighbors door. My friend tried to lure it with a treat but it didn't budge. I went over there and then the neighbor came out and said "do you guys want a puppy? I was drunk when I got him and I don't think I have enough love for this little guy". I look at his cute eyes and said "YES! I WANT HIM". He asked if I was serious and I nodded. He gave me some milk and said that I only had a couple of days to change my mind and return him. Yeah, right. He is my little buddy now.

We brought him back and gave him a bath right away. Checked for fleas and ticks -he did have a tick stuck to him. After his bath my friend put some Meeko's Frontline flea repellent on him. He quickly warmed up to me. I think he knows I am his owner, he whines and cries when I'm not around and he just wants me to hold him and carry him around. Which is fine right now cause I'm not going to be able to when he gets bigger.

My husband logged-on after work to say "Hi" and all i said was "WE GOT A PUPPY!!" he could not believe it. He asked if I had any idea how big he was going to get and i told him "" I think that's when he realized how little I thought things through. He is a big dog lover though and he has always wanted a Lab so it worked out great! I also have Meeko's mommy (and google) to help me raise him.

...and that is where my new friend "Atom" came from. It took me about a two days to name him. Chris and I couldn't decide on a name. Finally I made a list and it had "Adam" in it -because he is my first puppy. Chris picked "Atom". I knew we were not going to agree on anything else and I liked "Atom"... it suits him.

He is the best drunken mistake a person could have had that benefit me... Well, 'cept that time I found $20 at a bar's parking lot... nah, this is way better.


What I have learned:

....I guess I can be a dog person. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Buses and Applications...

Gotta look nice while handing out applications.

So, for the last week I have been settling into my new place and town. Puerto Nuevo is nice but, I have to take the mini bus to Rosarito. Rosarito is about 10 minutes away. I have to pay 13pesos (about a dollar) to ride downtown. It's not a bad deal.

This reminds me of the "short" bus in elementary.

Mexico is not that bad once you are in a nice place that you are comfortable. It is cheap and convenient. My lease for the next 5 months is under $2,500USD. That's including bills, rent and food by the way. Hearing my mom being so stressed out about rent in the bay area makes me want to tell her to just come live here.

$275 Dollar View? Hell yeah!

I have been up and down Rosarito and its pretty much just one huge street. There is a lot of places to eat and the beach is right there where you can just walk and relax. They do have crazy tourist prices though, usually regular working Mexicans can't afford that. But, every once in a while for $6 USD you can relax at the beach with a HUGE margarita. I think if my husband stops by for memorial day weekend, I'll ask him to take me.


I think once I find a job I will be able to enjoy being here a little bit more. I have been bored at home and I can't wait to start working again. In Mexico the process for finding a job is actually quite nice. You have to provide your own applications but that is okay because you can just print them out, fill them out and hand them out. They also have a CURP which is like a Social Security number. Oh and when you get a job here you automatically get "Seguro Popular" which is free health care. Healthcare is really cheap here though, I found a dentist in town that does cleanings for $20 USD. I think I'll get that done soon. It's been 7 months since my last cleaning and I'm over due.

I printed 20 applications.

I'll be able to post pictures of the town and beach later. For now my search for a job continues...


What I have learned:
...I don't mind living by the beach when the weather isn't up to 80% humidity.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Plane ride and my new apartment

That's a lot of agave...

It has been a long two days. I started my trek on May 10th. I woke up bright and early at 6am to go to see my grandmothers grave. It's a tradition to go put flowers to all the mothers that have passed. It was a very emotional ordeal for me. My maternal grandmother was my first experience I had with death. I was 4 year's old and I remember every detail of the ordeal. I loved her very much and seeing her also meant seeing my grandfathers grave for the first time. I remember the last time I saw him he was sad because my mom and I where leaving to the U.S. Seeing his grave made me very upset. It sucks that I wasn't able to say goodbye to him.

After that, I went back to my aunts and took a nap because... It was time to start my journey to Tijuana. I took a bus to Tepic, and from Tepic to Guadalajara then a taxi to the airport. It was quite draining. 

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This was my second time on a plane. I was a lot more relaxed this time than my first. The first time I was a mess. Not going to go into details because I'm not very proud of that experience. The flight went well though and I got some nice pictures.

I landed at midnight and unfortunaly my aunt and uncle couldn't pick me up. I was at the airport for 15 hours! I am soo tired. I did managed to take a nap after an old lady told me that I looked tired and that she would watch my stuff. I was too tired to find a flaw in that plan. It was a nice 3 hour nap though. Afterward I  took a taxi to Rosarito.

I wasn't meeting with the guy that was renting the apartment until 5pm so there was more waiting around. However I was waiting around in a shopping center and there was stuff to eat and look at. I wasn't able to go into any of the stores though because I was lugging this around.

Everything I own.
The shopping center was pretty nice and I can't wait to go back and look around at all the little shops. Oh and Walmart.

Then finally 5 O'clock rolled around -yay! I met the landlord and his wife they are very nice people. They drove me to go see the apartment and ...well I loved it! its very nice. Big bathroom and big bedroom.. small kitchen but I don't need a big kitchen when it is just me. So.. Here it is!

When you open the door the kitchen is right there, right away.... not that bad i guess.

Then there is a very small living room space.

Then a big room! with one wall closet and one regular closet.

Big bathroom with hookups for Washer and Dryer.

the view outside the door..that would be the beach.

I get to do Yoga while looking at the beach in the morning! hell yeah!


What I have learned:
... I can't go on 3 hours of sleep in a 48 hour span anymore...  

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

...nothings gonna change my world?

Arg! me punch back!

So, I am leaving to TJ. Tomorrow. It's a bit of a hasty move but I found a nice apartment and I want it. It's steps from the beach and it's cheap enough to where I can afford it on a crappy Mexican salary. I'm not wasting time now. I know I am referred and I know I'm stuck here. I used to be the type of person that used to quit when the going got tough but now I have no choice but to drag my ass up and try.

It's amazing how resilient humans are. You never know how things will change you or your entire world. Tomorrow, I am going to have to spend the night at the airport because I land at midnight in TJ. I also don't have no money for a hotel room. I'll go look at the apartment around 6pm in Rosarito. It's going to be a hell of a boring adventure.

I have to get from here (Botadero) to Santiago, to Tepic, To Guadalajara and take the plane there to TJ. I can't believe how close I am going to be to California... to home. Wish me luck everyone!


What I have learned:
...I can touch my toes! I love Yoga!