Friday, June 10, 2011

Bitching and barbecuing...

Yesterday Chris asked me If i wanted to go for a walk. After a little bitching on my part I agreed to go with him -I had just taken a shower and I hate being sweaty or feeling dirty-. We found a trail in our own backyard! it was quite nice. Next time I won't be so bitchy about it. Poor guy lol

For those who don't know, Chris' and I started eating Low-carb since april 4th. I have lost 14 pounds since then and I'm still losing -yey!-. If you need to lose weight or get healthy.. look into it! and think about this: Wheat bread spikes your insulin higher than table sugar.

The other day we finally had someone over! -Yo G!- it was really nice having someone over and being able to use the living room -we had a roommate before-. With the TV and Couch there I have been spending more time just hanging out reading on the couch, watching netflix. It's been a dream.

We had a nice little barbecue, Ms. Georgia -friend- showed me how to make barbecued asparagus! it was delicious! and she got to see how we eat during week on our low-carb diets. We had: Tri-tip, Mushrooms, asparagus, and some cauliflower rice. Yep, not much of a "diet" lol it really is just a way of eating very much like vegetarians but the complete opposite.


What I've learned:

..When my husband asks me to go on a walk with him. Just go. Oh, and butter is awesome.