Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Passports and Kittens...

"Look at my face!"

I am now the owner of my very own passport! Now I can travel anywhere in the world. Except for where I want to go -Ugh!-. The San Fransisco embassy had a "Movil" -mobile- day in redwood city. Hurray for not having to go to S.F. I even got it the same day. Chris is still waiting for his in the mail.

Speaking of mobile. The kitties are very active. They started walking/stumbling around. They are so precious and cute! -look at that face!-. One of them is so furry! with a little bit of brown on his face. He looks like a little bear.

Well... this was a short post. But a post non the less.


What I've learned:

...Last night I learned how to de-bone a catfish. It wasn't fun. It was delicious though!

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